Supporting Missionaries


Financial support - this is not nearly as import as our health, protection, the touch and presence of God on our lives and ministries.  Yet it takes money to do so many things in the ministry.  There are plane tickets to buy, houses to rent, food and clothes needed, buildings to rent to start churches, land to buy, hymnals to buy, equipment needed, vehicles and gasoline, and the list just keeps going on and on.

No person or church can support every missionary, but we must pray and ask God to help us to be willing to give sacrificially that others may go, and souls can be reached.  Am I doing all I really should?

What if I were the lost soul on the mission field, and that soul was here where I am?  Would I want them to sacrifically give that I might hear?

We encourage you to support missionaries through your local church and it's missions program.  Get involved and find out how who your missionaries are and what special projects they are doing.  What other special needs do they have?  


© 2006 The Kindhart's Website

 The Kindhart's 

Missionaries with

Macedonia World Baptist Missions Inc.